GRDF’s European and international activities
GRDF endeavours to contribute to France's energy goals by leveraging its international partnerships and collaborations to assist other entities in their energy transition efforts.
At GRDF, our main objectives are to promote and spread our gas expertise and to expand the horizons of our business lines. Find out more about the various forms our activities take abroad.
Our approach takes three different forms:
- Development of projects that create value. GRDF is offering to provide technical and inspection assistance and is developing tailored solutions in the field of natural gas distribution, such as improving network operational performance. Our intention is to work alongside partners in the field of energy transition.
- Involvement in the initiatives of European gas associations: Eurogas, Marcogaz, EASEE-gaz, EBA-European Biogas Association, NGVA-Natural Gas Vehicles Association. Here we aim to formulate common technical and regulatory solutions that are less expensive to help build a Europe that has an energy that is safe, affordable and climate-friendly.
- Cooperation with our peers, namely with other natural gas distributors across the world, to compare our experience and develop good practices for tomorrow’s network.
China : special dialogue between gas experts!
In July 2014, GRDF signed two memorandums of understanding with the CEOs of Beijing Gas and Shanghai Gas Group. This cooperation is mainly reflected in the support provided by Energy Formation to train managers within these two groups and to help establish a training centre in China that focuses on Chinese gas technology. Action has also been taken in the field of cathodic protection.
And for the future?
We are looking to build long-term partnerships in countries where demand for natural gas is seeing high growth, with parties that are seeking assistance with such development.
GRDF will primarily be looking at projects and opportunities that will help accelerate its growth internationally.
GRDF is mainly taking action in the following areas:
- Gas technology: design, construction, operation and maintenance of the distribution network
- Regulation, energy saving and lobbying
- Customer relations and technical assessment
- Professional advancement of employees, setting up training centres
- Innovation, smart gas grids, intelligent metering and biomethane
- Management of large-scale projects, as illustrated by our plan to deploy 11 million smart meters.
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