GRDF, a major player in energy transition

One of the main challenges for GRDF is to be a major player in energy transition. Energy transition represents an opportunity to put gas energy and its new usages on tomorrow’s energy map.

Imagining a future scenario :
Fortified by its four core values (Professionalism, Commitment, Openness and Responsibility), GRDF has developed a scenario for 2050 that meets the nation’s main environmental objectives, which focus on :
Increased energy-saving, with :
- industrial and agricultural energy consumption declining by 40% compared with 2010: 240 TWh in 2050 versus 402 TWh in 2010;
- optimized industrial processes that produce more while consuming less, and effluents from different enterprises producing a “renewable raw material”; lower carbon energies like gas, replacing fuel oil and coal.
More appropriate modes of transport, with :
- vehicle occupancy rates increasing with carpooling, and urban transport developing alongside rail and river freight;
- the number of light-duty vehicles declining from 40 million in 2010 to 25 million in 2050 :
- engine-power, oftentimes hybrid, being developed in line with usage : electric for urban driving, NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) and bioNGV for long distance travel and freight transport, supplemented by liquid fuels;
- more diversification in final consumption by 2050 : 45% for liquid fuel, 42% for gas and 13% for electric power.
- Leading to : a reduction in fuel consumption of about 50% (i.e. 281 TWh instead of 547 TWh in 2010.
More questions about GRDF ?
Established on 31 December 2007, GRDF performs its public service missions on a daily basis. Find out some key figures of our gas company.
Gas produced locally, with :
- widely available inputs for a sizable production of locally-produced biomethane, maximizing use throughout the regions via the distribution grid;
- the methanization of waste, gasification of biomass, and energy production from micro-algae, representing 240 TWh of green gas in 2050;
- 30 TWh of hydrogen produced from renewable electricity surpluses injected into the gas network, stored there, and then piped to supplement biomethane injections, boosting the level of green gas in the distribution grid to 73%.
By making gas a key driver in energy transition, the GRDF’s future scenario helps meet France’s commitment to quarter its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This scenario has been put together in tandem with external experts from ADEME, RTE and green sectors.
For GRDF, the distribution network will play a key role, going beyond distribution by :
- promoting the existing gas grid (heritage of regional authorities) and local resources;
- optimizing the performance of biomass resources with biomethane and its use as a fuel;
- increasing complementarity between gas networks, heat and electricity.
More questions about GRDF?
In order to guide the gas company and set a strategic course for the future, a Board of Directors is in charge of its governance. Click on the dedicated page to find out their role, workings and composition.