One vision, four values

GRDF has a public service mission. Our vision and our values (Professionalism, Commitment, Openness and Responsibility) are our guarantee that this mission is properly fulfilled on a daily basis.
Ensuring network safety and working to keep customers safe
Safety is the cornerstone of our activity and we make every effort, every day, to ensure safe conditions. We are fully mobilized throughout the gas safety chain and work alongside industrial players, local authorities and other operators, to reduce the number of network incidents.
Developing a positive customer experience
We remain close to our customers and, in order to better understand their needs, conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys and implement innovative methods of consultation.
Acting responsibly and sustainably
All of our activities are conducted according to strict standards that are constantly updated. This is achieved primarily via more open and agile information systems, a strong commitment to relations with service providers, and by streamlining our use of outsourcing.
Developing and promoting our expertise in France and abroad
We are renowned for our knowledge and expertise. With Energy Formation, we are also a major player in gas-related training both in France and abroad.
Being a committed player in energy transition
Our independence, supplier neutrality and public service mission naturally position us as a natural gas benchmark. GRDF has always worked closely with local authorities to address their various issues.
More questions about GRDF?
Established on 31 December 2007, GRDF performs its public service missions on a daily basis. Find out some key figures of our gas company.
Building an energy future with our stakeholders
The deployment of smart meters, development of the biomethane business and initiatives with professionals in the gas industry, etc. are some of the major projects in which GRDF has opted to work in consultation with others.
Making the gas network one of the key drivers for energy transition
Innovation is our foundation for growth. The aim of industrial innovation, by enhancing our Smart Gas Grid strategy, is to make the network even more intelligent, dynamic and connected, assets that support energy transition.
Promoting gas as a suitable choice for energy transition
We continue to promote innovative energy solutions and are intensifying our work and partnerships with business professionals, particularly in the construction, biomethane and clean mobility sectors. We do so because it is important to maintain strong relationships of trust.
Developing professionalism in the gas sector
We deliver a public service to French people every day, providing high-quality distribution and network safety. Such expertise is unique and we are constantly striving to renew and develop it. The emergence of new digital technologies is changing our skill sets and how we work with others.
Find out more about our governance
In order to guide the gas company and set a strategic course for the future, a Board of Directors is in charge of its governance. Click on the dedicated page to find out their role, workings and composition.