Gas can be easily combined with renewable energies

Natural gas is very competitive in relation to other energies and even more so when combined with renewable energy sources, offering a wide range of innovative solutions for very high energy efficiency.

Natural gas: a cost-effective energy
Natural gas is a primary energy, meaning that it requires no transformation to be used. Combined with high-performance solutions, natural gas can achieve very competitive operating costs compared to other energies.
Its decorrelation with the price of oil continues to rise, making users of natural gas less vulnerable to “black gold” price fluctuations.
Additional savings with natural gas solutions
Combined with innovative gas solutions, natural gas can be very energy efficient, helping to reduce consumption.
Condensing boilers, heat pumps and absorption heat pumps are the various types of equipment available today that offer excellent performance, both in terms of their efficiency as well as environmentally.
Natural gas can also be easily combined with renewable energy sources, whether solar thermal or solar photovoltaic energy.
Gas, a competitive energy for the long-term
A cost-effective energy must not just offer attractive rates but must also guarantee some stability in the future. Natural gas offers just this, for two main reasons :
- Gas reserves are abundant and visibility is increasing, with these reserves growing by 2% to 3% each year.
- Choosing natural gas is also a means of promoting the development of green gas, integral to the circular economy: today, biomethane is produced by the methanization of waste, tomorrow by the methanization of micro-algae.
Find out how we are securing our network
As a gas pipeline company, we are committed to ensuring the safety of people and property and the quality of our supply of natural gas, while respecting the environment.
Smart Gas Grids: Network intelligence
A natural gas company committed to energy transition, GRDF is building tomorrow’s city by developing gas networks and connecting them to other infrastructures to foster complementarity between energy sources.
Not only will these innovations, now a reality, improve our control over the energy we consume, but will also promote and add new energy sources to the mix.
These initiatives also help France meet its environmental targets set by the European Union: by 2020, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and increase the amount of renewable energies in the energy mix by up to 20%, and raise energy efficiency by 20%.
Biomethane, for example, is a clean, renewable alternative energy. It will help boost the renewable energy sources share of total energy consumed to 23%, the EU’s 2020 target for France.
Biomethane is a renewable energy since it is produced directly from locally-available waste. Produced by fermenting agricultural, household and industrial waste, and even sludge from waste-treatment plants, biomethane is a refined biogas matching the quality of natural gas.
GRDF is committed to working with initiators of such projects, keen to help build tomorrow’s clean energy networks.