GRDF : the French gas distributor


As a gas distribution leader, GRDF underscores multiple network safety, innovation, and development commitments. GRDF distributes natural gas on behalf of more than 30 energy suppliers with complete impartiality. Our job is to connect your home to the gas grid and read your consumption, regardless of your supplier.


  1. Our gas distribution role
  2. Who are GRDF’s stakeholders and partners?
  3. Renewable gas producers
  4. Making our network safe
  5. Innovation and R&D
  6. R&D programmes for more sustainable development
  7. Gas mobility solution: accelerating road mobility transition thanks to BioNGV and NGV in France’s road transportation


Gas distribution is a public service mission under the combined authority of the French State, regional and local authorities, and the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). GRDF’s activities are governed by a Public Service Contract (PSC), renewed every five years with the French State.   

GRDF’s key commitments to the PSC:   

  • Safe gas supply and public service continuity  
  • Network and facility safety 
  • Relationship quality with all customers and stakeholders 
  • Balanced regional and local development 
  • Ecological transition via renewable gases 
  • Innovation, research, and development


GRDF : the French gas distributor


Key figures:  

  • Injection anaerobic digestion sites: 685  
  • Of which connected to the GRDF network: 575  
  • Total installed biomethane capacity: 12.33 TWh/year  
  • Heated new home equivalent: 3,081,750  

Reference period: May 2024

Our teams are on hand every day, not only to make sure gas is always available for you, but also to connect new customers to the natural gas network. As distributors, our main missions are to:  

  • Bring gas to your home. 
  • Maintain and develop the natural gas distribution network. 
  • Connect new customers to the distribution network.  
  • Read your natural gas consumption twice a year. 
  • Transmit your consumption data to your gas supplier for invoicing. 




Our gas distribution role

GRDF’s primary role is to ensure gas delivery to its residential, commercial, and industrial customers under the best possible conditions, prioritizing quality, safety, and cost. We manage a nationwide network that brings essential energy to our 11 million customers. GRDF was founded in 2007 with the deregulation of the French energy market. Our public service mission is to distribute natural gas on behalf of municipalities and other local authorities. GRDF is an independent subsidiary of the ENGIE Group.   

We maintain the network (pipes, connections, valves, etc.), and carry out all necessary emergency work 24/7 in the event of any disruption in supply or suspected leaks. We are also responsible for meters and, since 2016, have fully rolled out smart meters for all our customers.  

The final part of our public service mission is to facilitate the connection of renewable gas plants and promote the use of new gases by all consumers in France to achieve a sustainable energy mix. 

Transmission and distribution operators, installers, and suppliers: what are the differences?

  • A gas Transmission System Operator (TSO) is responsible for managing all or part of the high-pressure gas transmission network, normally from entry points (LNG terminals, cross border pipes) to the distribution networks. The gas is transferred to the distributor at a maximum pressure of 25 bar.   
  • A Distribution System Operator (DSO) operates the network from the transmission grid interface up to the end-customers.  
  • An installer sets up gas equipment used by consumers.  
  • A supplier purchases the gas that circulates in the network and sells it to end-customers (like a retailer purchasing wholesale goods to sell on to consumers). Suppliers are responsible for signing contracts with their customers, invoicing them, and collecting their payments.   

Who are GRDF’s stakeholders and partners?

Energy suppliers

Energy suppliers purchase the gas wholesale and sell it to end-customers. They design offers and services in a competitive retail environment. There are more than 50 natural gas suppliers in France, all complying with a framework of strict competition laws. GRDF’s public service mission is to provide all these operators with access to the grid. We work closely with them to ensure a secure, reliable, and safe supply ensuring impartiality of treatment for all players.   

French energy regulator

GRDF is under a legal requirement to carry out its operations fairly and impartially. The French Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission de Régulation de l’Énergie or CRE) is an independent authority that ensures fair play for all: it offers the end-customer protection from abusive pricing by suppliers, and protects suppliers from unfair treatment by DSOs and TSOs. It has the power to sanction unscrupulous practices. In practice, GRDF and other players work closely with the CRE, and operate their activity independently with impartiality and transparency.  

Local authorities

The distribution grid is managed and operated by GRDF on behalf of local authorities who own the infrastructure. Local authorities sign concession contracts with GRDF based on detailed requirements in terms of security, investments, services, and performance. We guarantee the level of performance throughout the duration of the contract.   

Renewable gas producers

Since 2011, new stakeholders have emerged: biomethane producers, who are mainly farmers. GRDF is committed to supporting local gas production through the development of anaerobic digestion. We are mobilized with farmers and regions to support the development of biomethane and the vital role of renewable gases in the ecological transition.  

In recent years, biomethane production through anaerobic digestion has grown exponentially, reaching about 608 production sites with injection in 2023 and 680 in 2024. 


biomethane injection point




Find out how we are securing our network

As a gas pipeline company, we are committed to ensuring the safety of people and property and the quality of our supply of natural gas, while respecting the environment. 


200,000 km network





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GRDF : Who we are

GRDF is the operator of the natural gas distribution network in France. It offers services and solutions for individuals, professionals and communities on the topics of gas network management as well ...

